- snorkeling
- плавание в ластах и маске с дыхательной трубкой
Англо-русский подводный словарь аквалангиста – М.: Русский университет.. Орлов Д.В.. 2000.
Англо-русский подводный словарь аквалангиста – М.: Русский университет.. Орлов Д.В.. 2000.
Snorkeling — (British spelling: snorkelling) is the practice of swimming at the surface of a body of water while equipped with a diving mask, a shaped tube called a snorkel, and usually swimfins. In cooler waters, a wetsuit may also be worn. Combining these… … Wikipedia
Snorkeling — Un plongeur près des îles Fidji. La randonnée subaquatique ou en anglais snorkeling, est une activité de loisir aquatique où l on peut observer les fonds marins en nageant à la surface de l eau. On utilise généralement un masque, un tuba (snorkel … Wikipédia en Français
snorkeling — /snawr keuh ling/, n. the sport of swimming with a snorkel and face mask. [1945 50; SNORKEL + ING1] * * * … Universalium
snorkeling — noun The act of swimming using a snorkel … Wiktionary
snorkeling — snor·ke·ling s.m.inv. ES ingl. {{wmetafile0}} TS sport il nuotare a pelo d acqua con maschera e boccaglio per osservare la fauna e la flora marina {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: 1994. ETIMO: der. di (to) snorkel nuotare a pelo d acqua … Dizionario italiano
snorkeling — {{hw}}{{snorkeling}}{{/hw}}s. m. inv. Pratica sportiva consistente nell osservare il fondale marino nuotando in superficie con maschera, boccaglio e pinne. ETIMOLOGIA: voce ingl., da (to) snorkel ‘nuotare sott acqua’ (da snorkel ‘boccaglio’) … Enciclopedia di italiano
snorkeling — snor·kel || snÉ”rkl / snÉ”Ë n. tube like device that enables a person to breathe while swimming just below the surface of the water v. dive with a snorkel … English contemporary dictionary
snorkeling — UK [ˈsnɔː(r)k(ə)lɪŋ] / US [ˈsnɔrk(ə)lɪŋ] an American present participle of snorkel II … English dictionary
snorkeling — n.m. ® snorkling … Le dictionnaire des mots absents des autres dictionnaires
snorkeling — noun skin diving with a snorkel • Syn: ↑snorkel diving • Derivationally related forms: ↑snorkel • Hypernyms: ↑skin diving, ↑skin dive … Useful english dictionary
Hi Coral Cove Bungalow - Snorkeling Point — (Чавенг Ной Бич,Таиланд) Категория отеля: 2 звездочный отель Адрес … Каталог отелей